Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Almond butter

Sunland Almond Butter Creamy, Natural, 16-Ounce PET Jars (Pack of 3)Did you know there is such a thing as almond butter?  Usually, after I write posts about food, I find out that you all know everything already and I am just catching up on the health food train.  But, just so you know, there is such a thing as almond butter!  Yeah!  I had my first expensive bite last night and I am hooked.  Almond butter is twice as expensive as peanut butter, but twice as healthy.  If you are looking for another outlet for a healthy protein alternative, take a look at almond butter.  I figure the more we all pitch in and eat almond butter, the lower the cost will become.  So stop eating peanut butter already so I can save a few bucks!     


Aubrey Kinnaman said...

Also try something called Better n' peanut butter. Target and trader joes sell it. 100 Calories and maybe 3 grams of fat in a serving.

Cliff L. said...

We carry an all natural almond butter at Loafer's; it's $11.99 for a 16 oz. jar.

Ya know, if you're ever interested. :)