We finally had our will notarized last night. We've had a will for a year and a half, but we just got around to notarizing it last night. Pretty irresponsible, I know, but I thank the Lord that He gave us this amount of time to accomplish this protection for Noah. I have a bunch of excuses as to why it took us this long, and some of them are probably valid, but the truth is it wasn't a priority like it ought to have been. Good thing we are responsible parents otherwise;)
I doubt very much that getting a will notarized is the first thing on many parents' minds (well it is probably always on your mind if you haven't, but you never actually
do anything about it). No one wants to think about dying before their child is grown. No one wants to think about who they are going to ship their kid off to if they can't take care of him/her themselves. No one wants to admit to themselves that one day they will die and one day your mess or treasure will be left to the next of kin.

But unfortunately, we live in something called the real world. We die and our children and our children's children survive us. We leave an inheritance to the next generations and they will suffer or thrive due to how we spent our own time here on earth.
This inheritance is monetary, but it is also spiritual. Having a will is important and good. But it pales in comparison to the spiritual inheritance we leave to our children. Will they know the Lord and desire to have a relationship with Him even after you are gone? Do they go to church out of obedience to you only or do the have a fervor to worship Him without a threat from Mom and Dad. Certainly we rely solely on God to give our children faith in His Son, but have you done all you could to show your child an example of how we are to love the Lord?

Ways we have trained Noah to love the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength is to pray with him before meals, during our family devotion time, and before bed time. We know he doesn't understand everything, but he definitely understands a lot already. Every time we tell him we are going to pray, he clasps

his hands together and he says "Amen!" at the end of each prayer. Also, during family devotion time (usually after dinner or before bed), we read a story from his
Children's Bible

(they are very short stories). We also are training Noah to understand God's yes
and God's no. Meaning, there are consequences to disobedience and that in obeying authority (Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents, etc.), he is obeying God. These are just a few things that every Christian Mom and Dad can accomplish if they desire to leave a spiritual inheritance for their children. Lead by example, ask for forgiveness from God and the one you sinned against when you fail, and pray that God will make your path of parenting plain to understand.
So, if you have put off getting a will, it is about time you protected your family and sought out how to do so. But, more importantly, if you have hid your children's spiritual inheritance from them up to this point, the time to reveal this treasure is today because we have no idea what God has in store for us tomorrow.
What ways do you teach your little ones about God?
Psalm 128
1 How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways. 2 When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you. 3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine Within your house, Your children like olive plants Around your table. 4 Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed Who fears the LORD. 5 The LORD bless you from Zion, And may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. 6 Indeed, may you see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel !
This post was really good. One of your best, I think :) I most certainly agree that the spiritual inheritance we leave is much more important than a merely financial one.
Brandon Bear
PAPPAP & GRANDMA are WITNESSES to THIS "WILLING" of your Spiritual Wealth to Noah on a day to day basis and it is indeed a beautiful thing to witness.
We are very proud of you both.
..and WHEN NOAH SAYS AMEN ! ....You can feel the room fill with the warmth & comfort of our Lord smiling down on Noah ...and you just can NOT pay for something like that...we are proud of your good work & the spiritual bounty you are "setting aside" for Noah each & every day...to help him when you are not around.
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