Monday, June 07, 2010

Top momma diva and baby divo products: Part 2 of many

The Happiest Baby on the Block - The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Baby Sleep Longer (DVD)I can't believe I forgot to mention this on part 1 of this series, but this next product was instrumental to my sanity in the first several months of Noah's life.  The Happiest Baby on the Block - The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Baby Sleep Longer (DVD) was a gift from a friend who also happens to be a nurse and the most incredibly patient mother in the world.  This gift to me was such a blessing and gave me the tools I needed as a first time momma to calm my seemingly inconsolable baby down.  Please, please, please take my word that this is a "must buy" for new mommas or at least a "must borrow".
Fisher-Price Rainforest Melodies & Lights Deluxe GymThe next item was Noah's favorite for the first 6 months of his life.  The Fisher-Price Rainforest Melodies & Lights Deluxe Gym was a great tool in Noah's physical development.  Noah had a physical therapist come to our home when he came out of the hospital and said this was a great toy to develop fine and gross motor skills.  I am sure there are other great jungle gyms, I just know that Noah loved, loved, loved this toy and had great success with it.  You should check it out if #1 is on the way.  Does your little one have a specific jungle gym that he/she just adores?
Desitin Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 ozThe last product I will mention today is not anything new or exciting.  Moms have been using this stuff for decades, but the results don't lie. For Noah's red bottom days, I use Desitin Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 oz.  Because Noah was in the hospital for so long after birth, I was able to use all the hospital's  different diaper rash creams on him and test them out to see what worked best.  I am sure my tests were not exhaustive of all the millions of products out there.  But, for Noah, just the plain old original strength rash ointment did the trick (and still does).  I am sure other moms have found different products work best for their baby's behind, so I'd love to hear what products (or home remedies) you use and why for the sake of my soon-to-be mommy friends.            
 Are there any products that you are curious about and would like me to review?  Let me know.  


Anonymous said...

Lily didn't like either of the play mats we had much. They seemed to bore her.

Original Desitin seems to be the best in my opinion, too. Good consistency, and it wipes out rashes quick!

Erica said...

Original Desitin is my favorite too and I've used them all at the daycare.