Keeping in mind that I am a
diva, here are a few baby products that I recommend to the new mom just starting out and making her way through the overwhelming amount of
junk baby products one needs for your soon-to-enter baby divo/a. My first bit of advice is to make a registry at Babies R' Us or Amazon: make other people buy useful items instead of endless arrays of 0-3 month clothing.
Alright, now that we know you're not footing the bill, you should buy the most expensive items out there, right? Well, in my experience, the answer is "kind of." There is a price point that generally reflects ill-made equipment and then there is a price range that reflects quality. If this is going to be your only child, perhaps you can get away with being el cheapo/la cheapa (my husband is a Spanish teacher, can you tell?), but if you are planning on having more than one baby, I would recommend looking at higher quality as to save yourself money in the long run. Of course, I am a huge advocate of hand-me-downs, but just be aware that there are certain baby items that should not be handed down due to safety considerations. Be frugal but protect your baby first!

My first recommendation is a smaller item, but a life saver for breast-feeding Mommas.
Lansinoh Lanolin nursing cream 
is an absolute must-have if you plan on breast-feeding your baby. Sorry Ladies, I guess your mom forgot to tell you that breast feeding hurts sometimes. This is true especially at the beginning and especially if you give birth to a chunky monkey like my Noah who likes to eat and eat. This cream literally made the difference between me crying and nearly switching to formula to being cheerful and proud to feed my son. Bring it to the hospital with you and keep it by your bedside. This will also help breast-pumping moms.
My next recommendation is a
slightly larger purchase: a stroller travel system. This means a heavy-duty stroller (umbrella strollers = pain n' neck) and a car seat. I strongly urge you to consider
Graco's line of Quattro Travel Systems. 
I prefer these systems because the car seats are hard-core and will hold babies rear-facing until they are 30 lbs. while most only hold up to 22 lbs. My son still fits in his rear facing car seat and he is nearly 17 months (and a big boy for his age). Also, the stroller is made of remarkable quality and easy to push in all sorts of terrain. You can certainly purchase a much, much pricier stroller system than this, but my recommendation is to go middle of the road with this item- not too cheap, not too (unnecessarily) expensive.

My last recommendation is an obvious one, but I think important to mention. Noah is a
baby (no, hippie friends, I did not attempt cloth). At birth, I had all sorts of diapers given to me for testing. I tried Luvs, Huggies, generic Walmart brands, and Pampers. Pampers won hands down, no questions asked. I admit,

they are more expensive. But, I didn't have to change his clothes when he had a poop explosion and I didn't have to worry about leaks. Furthermore, I could leave Pampers on him longer because they were more absorbent and thus he used less of them. If you register for diapers, don't get a huge box of newborns, as your little one most likely grow out of them pretty quickly (unless baby is premature). I would, however, recommend registering for one large box each of sizes 1-3 to start and then asking for more as presents because, trust me, you will use them.
I know a lot of you may disagree with what I have recommended, but I am sure my soon-to-be first time mommy readers would love to hear your recommendations. What diapers do your children use? What kind of strollers and/or car seats do you recommend?
I have a HUGE list of literally every product we've owned and used stored on my computer for future reference of what I liked. It's my OCD coming out :-)
Anyway, I agree with you about Graco's Travel Systems. Granted, we haven't tried any other travel system, but Graco gets the best reviews and they are great quality for the price (and if you get a neutral pattern, you can reuse with future babies).
I originally used the Lansinoh Lanolin, but found it to be too thick (maybe it had gotten old, I don't know). For the time that I breastfed, I used Medela's Lanolin. When we had to switch to bottle feeding, we had great success with Dr Brown's, and I have recommended them to other moms who have to go to bottle feeding for various reasons.
As for diapers, early on we started with Pampers Swaddlers (it's what the hospital used), but then went on to try literally everything else. Ultimately, for us, everything was pretty even. Store brand, name brand, it never made much difference. If she was going to leak or blowout, it happened regardless of diaper. She's not prone to diaper rash, so I really never had to worry (and feel really fortunate about that). Now I just buy whatever I have a coupon for, and if I need diapers and don't have a coupon, I buy store brand.
I like your list. I agree with the travel system ( i used a chicco system that I loved). I will say pampers are far and above better than any other disposable diaper but would love for you to try a fuzzibunz or a bumgenius and hear your thoughts. Claire used pampers until she was 4 months then fuzzibunz from there on out. Just as easy but way cheaper in the long run.
I also just have to throw out that hands down my Favorite item is the ErgoBaby carrier. We still use it now and claire is 35lbs. I can comfortably carry her anywhere i go and she still naps comfortably in it. Have you ever tried one?
Hey Aubrey,
I haven't used the ergo baby carrier, but it looks great. Noah wasn't much into the carrier I had because he is a boy and wants to move around a lot and more so that I didn't get to train him in it until he was about 3 months old due to his health issues at birth. I think I might give the one you suggested a try for baby #2 as it looks awesome!
Also, even though I didn't use fuzzibunnies on Noah, I did experience using this type of diapering system while I babysat in college. I didn't really enjoy using it and even though I know in the long run it is much more cost-effective, the liners and such just kinda grossed me out. But you are smart to use this product, it's just not for me.
Lauren, we have a barely used Ergo that you are welcome to have for your next baby. Lily hated it, so we didn't use it more than a handful of times with her, and it never seemed to fit me right (I think my shoulders are too narrow), so I won't be using it with any future baby, either. Let me know if you want it :-)
Dude, I'll totally take it. Thank you so much. I mean, I don't know when the next baby is coming, but we are planning on having more, so I'll definitely use it then! Just save it for me and when we get together I can pick it up. Thanks again!
Another good use for Lansinoh is for chapped lips. Emilie's lips were very badly chapped last summer, so I thought I'd try it on her. It worked like magic to hear her by the next day!
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