My second epiphany occurred when I had this hankering to learn how to play acoustic guitar. I thought to myself, I'm a musician and I like female acoustic guitar-chic music, so I should have my husband teach me how to play. That desire lasted about five minutes until my delicate porcelain fingertips started to throb from pressing down onto the strings. I am from the suburbs and I do not tolerate pain. Can someone please pass me an epidural?
My final revelation came about through a ferocious desire to grow a vegetable garden at our new house (picture is of our glorious back yard). I would day dream about my grand garden overflowing with sweet potatoes and cucumbers. Once the time came to prepare the land, my husband and I went to the local garden shop to ask questions and get the correct kind of nutrients for the soil. The season for planting had not yet arrived, but it was a nice enough day to start the ground work. So when we returned to our home, we began the work immediately. As I sunk the shovel into the ground, my ferocity quickly turned into feebleness. I realized that I never had a day dream about dirt, and sweating, and sore backs, and...ew! worms. Didn't they get the memo? Bugs are prohibited in the suburbs. That's why I moved back. I heart pesticides.
After years of grasping at the unattainable, I can finally admit to myself that this aspect of myself is never going to change and I should celebrate all the suburban inside of me. This is who I am and I'm here to stay. I'm a suburbanite, hear me roar!
God loves us for who we are. While He certainly expects us to change our sinful ways once we have been saved by grace, we are made in His image and should celebrate who God has designed us to be. Do you ever try to be something you're not? Do you ever have unrealistic expectations of whom you would like to become? Let me hear about your story.
I'm constantly trying to be someone I'm not under the guise of "self-improvement." I'm finding there are certain things I just need to accept. Of course, there are some things that legitimately can be improved upon, too. It's about finding balance.
Lauren, this totally made my day. Even though I love all four of my hippie baby carriers (a new girl at church asked me if any CGS mamas ever use strollers?) and I haven't showered in... hmm, I should do something about that... I love that you love suburban living.
I don't think that a garden has to be out of your grasp, though. Even if you don't want to do anything big you could still grow tomatoes and peppers in pots :-)
LOL Lauren, someone gave me a sling when Daniel was born and he just loved it! I used it until he was 5 months, them he became too big!
Yep. I tried to be a diva at the SoM. Eventually, my facade crashed. :)
As far as the whole sling thing goes, I'm always afraid that the sling will come loose or untie and I'll drop the baby.
I think I still have hippie tendencies, though, since my parents were hippies. The non-showering thing would surely get to me, though. Yuck!
Guess I've been here long enough that I can't figure if I'm hippie or burbie... maybe a hipburb or a burpie... ???? I like a bit of each along with a lot of "other" thrown in...
I don't heart pesticides, but I also don't heart gardening. Our veggies grow in pots, thank you very much. And my flower beds look good maybe twice a year. I have multiple piercings on my ears, but my hair has spray on it... I wear homemade jewelry, with eye liner and mascara. Ah well... as you said, we are who God makes us. I like being me... at least when I'm honoring God...
Amen my suburban sister!
I really don't know what I am! I mean, I'm a suburban lady, no doubt. But I have a baby wrap too, and although it was a challenge to get used to, I have now become a large fan! And I also just bought one of those accordian slings for the next little Priano that I am DYING to use... but I digress...
I have to say that I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be "trendy", but let's face it: I enjoy cheesy movies, I'm not a big fan of coffee, we eat non-organic food too (but I still do try to eat healthy...aside from multiple cookies per day), Danny and I like sports more than literature, and I hate to exercise. There. You have it. And I like it this way. I would be miserable trying to keep up with the things other people like to do just because they like to do it. Thank you, God, for making me the way I am, and thank you, God, for giving me a husband who is my best friend!!
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