Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Noah, what does a horse say? "Neigh, neigh." Noah, what does a mommy say? "Nag, nag."

When a man becomes a husband, he learns how to watch chick flicks while ignoring his gag reflex, put down the toilet seat, eat fruit, and seem sensitive during the PMS seasons of life.  Consequently, when a woman becomes a wife, she learns how to control her man.  She learns how far on the emotional spectrum she has to go to get what she wants.  She also learns to never forget anything that her man may have done incorrectly so she may hold it against him as an infinite tool to control him and to kill his spirit.  Men learn how to be effeminate and women learn how to be domineering.  Of course, these attributes never actually needed to be learned.  They were in the person all along, marriage just brought them out in the ugliest of ways.
In a good world, the husband would own up to his failures, confess his sin, and change.  His wife, overtaken by her husband's godly leadership, would follow suit.  She confesses her sin to God and to her husband and she changes.  Voila, problems erased.
But, we don't live in a good world.  We don't even live in a decent world.  This world is evil and thus the occupants do not usually do what they ought to do.  However, that does not give us ladies an excuse for not doing our part to live righteously.  As a wife, I am called to respect my husband even if he is sinning against God. 
1 Peter 3:1 wives, be submissive to your own husbands so even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives. 
 I understand that this verse gives offense to many of my readers.  I felt the same way the first time I read it.  My reaction was something like, "Are you kidding?  When my husband does something wrong he is going to hear about it.  He's never getting off easy with me.  If he really loves me he'll change and I won't stop bringing it up until he does change."
However, here is what I have found to be trustworthy through the nearly 5 years of marriage to my husband: God knows my husband better than I do.  In fact, He knows all men and how they are made better than any of us because He is their Creator.  This verse from 1Peter isn't should not be mistaken for an archaic idea where women should shut up and be obedient to a sad, sloppy man.  This verse is a guide to a more enjoyable, productive life and marriage.  What an amazing responsibility that has been placed upon a wife's shoulder!  God tells us here how we might bring our men to obedience to God.  What and honor God has placed upon us "little" ladies.
Furthermore, this verse is an amazing warning to keep wives from sin.  When our man is wrong, or at least we think so, what is our first reaction?  To nag.  We don't just humbly propose something, we let him have it.  But if silence is to be our first reaction, nagging certainly cannot be the next step.  Remember, it is our reverential behavior that will go furthest with our husbands, not our words.  That is not say that we never speak, but this starting place of silence and reverential behavior should lead to prayer before God as to what to do or say if anything and then maturity and reverence in our speech if we are to speak.  By winning our husbands over without a word, God keeps us from sinning with our own mouths.
I confess, I cherish this verse as this behavior is never my first gut reaction.  When my husband does something wrong, I want to scream it in 85 different ways until I feel better.  I confess that I do not have a gentle and quiet spirit.  But, compared to my loud and obnoxious spirit before I was married, I know that the Holy Spirit is constantly sanctifying my soul.  Perhaps one day, maybe before I die, I might reflect something that resembles godly meekness and tranquility.  You may laugh and say that is an impossible task, but I say with God all things are possible.          
1 Peter 3:4 But let it [your adornment] be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 

Do you ever go on tirades against your hubby?  Do you ever wish your first reaction would be to listen rather than yell?  How can you be more honoring in your behavior toward your spouse this week?  I would love to hear testimonies of those whom have brought their spouses closer to God because of their behavior.    


finsama said...

I grew up in a house with a lot of yelling, both from my mother and father. I knew I never wanted that for my own life and marriage. When I first started dating Greg, I wouldn't even mention if something he had done bothered me. Of course, letting these things eat away on the inside of me didn't really work well, but I didn't want to fight with him. Then, somewhere along the line, I realized that I could mention things to him, in a kind way, and it doesn't need to be at all confrontational. I'm not a yeller or a fighter, with Greg or Lily. But, I also don't let anyone walk all over me. With Lily, I can set boundaries without being cruel, and with Greg I simply speak my mind, kindly. He is free to do what he chooses with what I offer to him, but rarely does he choose to yell, because why would you yell at someone who is being kind and gentle to you, right?

Heidi said...

Good reminders, Lauren - thank you :-)