Thursday, June 03, 2010

Kennywood Memories

Kennywood MemoriesAs a child, I have no fonder memory than my time at Kennywood park.  If you grow up in the Pittsburgh area as a child, you probably feel the same way.  Every summer since I was Noah's age, my parents would take me to enjoy such rides as The Whip, The Thunderbolt, and The Turtle.  In the winter months, when the park was closed, my brother and I loved and missed the park so much that we would incessantly watch a PBS movie about the history of the park.  My brother and I still know most of the movie by heart.  The movie is a bit dated now, as some of the rides are no longer there (and the 80's hair-dont's), but I would still highly recommend the movie to you to get a feel for the park.
This past Friday, I was able to yet again make a very fond memory at this dear amusement park with my own son.  Although this was the first time Noah was able to ride a few rides, this was not the first time he had entered the park.  Two summers ago, he came and rode on the train (the pic to the right is all three of us waiting for the train to come).
Noah's first choo-choo ride (post-womb) sure seems like it has arrived too soon.  When Noah was in the hospital, every day felt like an eternity.  Now all the sudden he is 17 months and gives me smooches on the lips.  I'm not so sure Noah was in the mood for kisses after his first couple kiddie land rides though.  He liked them to begin with and then he got scared and then by the end of the ride, he was calm but not really that happy.  I think next year he will enjoy the park more.    
Noah's favorite items at the park were the water fountains and the merry-go-round.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics of that ride, but dad was riding a horse while Momma, Grandma, and Noah were sitting on a motionless bench on the turn table.  Noah really enjoyed the old-timey music and watching Daddy go up and down, up and down.  I really enjoyed seeing a grown man ride a colorful plastic horse.

If you are ever in town, I would really recommend Kennywood to you.  This is one of the most family friendly amusement parks in America.  They have something for every age group and the prices are reasonable in comparison to most theme parks out there.  Use Kennywood as an excuse to come visit us here in PA!  


Rebecca Nugent said...

Sounds like my childhood affinity for Idlewild:)

Mike said...

"You all right, Gino?"
"You sure you're all right?"

I'm glad that new memories are being made with Noah =)