Well, today officially marks my 15th week of pregnancy. I had a really easy go of the first trimester. I was more tired and needed to take a lot more naps, but other than that I can't complain. Being at 15 weeks is a bit comforting as well, as the risk of miscarriage greatly decreases at your 14th week. Most people rejoice at getting to 14 weeks because many issues like morning sickness dissipate and life goes back to normal for a while since you probably aren't showing yet either.
I definitely do not look pregnant yet and still am able to do my daily exercise regimen without difficulty, but I would say that week 14 was the toughest so far. Noah has been teething, which means he sleeps poorly, which means I sleep poorly.
My allergies have returned. I haven't had any issues with them since returning to Pittsburgh a couple of years ago, but all of the sudden I am sneezing like crazy. I can only take certain meds, like Benadryl, which helps to some extent, but not fully and makes me feel groggy. But things are looking up: Noah woke up twice last night, but then he slept until 10:15 to make up for it! Also, the pollen count is much lower the next couple of days and boy do can my sinuses tell.
This also marks the first day of the week in which I have has enough energy to blog...I know you missed me so much.
Funny story: Yesterday, I was doing my prenatal yoga video during Noah's nap. There were times I felt so tired that I almost gave up. But I didn't and persevered to the end. Only, the last five minutes of the tape included a relaxation time. Well, I was so enthusiastic about being relaxed that I fell asleep right on the floor. Yeah, I've got to say that I haven't done that before.
Well, continue to keep me and baby in your prayers. I have a doctor's appointment next week, so hopefully I will know more then as to the health of the baby.
Have you ever been so tired that you didn't even realize you had fallen asleep in an awkward place/position?
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