I love
. I almost always win. My friend Curtis beat me once and my Dad beat me once, but other than that I think I have always won. I beat my 16 year old babysitter and her mom when I was in
4th grade. I always beat my brother, and I always beat Brandon. I don't beat people because I am smarter, I beat people because of my killer instinct. I know I need serious help.

My killer instinct can only take me so far, however. For instance, when my

husband and I play
Trivial Pursuit

, I always lose. And when I say lose, I mean he has all 6 pieces and I have 0. He obliterates me. I cry, wish I would have payed more attention in Honors History, and then promptly ask him if he would like to play me in Scrabble now. I know I need serious help.

Yet, when our powers combine, we become the ultimate board game domination couple. We destroy our competition every time we play

because Brandon is good at all the categories I struggle with and vice-
versa. We gloat at the fact that we are the ultimate husband-wife board gaming couple. We know we need serious help.
To many, Brandon and I may not have seemed like the likeliest of pairs. But, when we play team board games as a pair, we realize God really knew what He was doing when He put us together.
2 dollars to the first person who can identify the t.v. show the title of this blog is imitating
Why, Captain Planet, of course!
And if you're truly that killer at Scrabble, I propose a challenge between you and my husband, who, without fail, beats me every time we play Scrabble. I win The Game of Life every single time. And together, we destroy everyone in Trivial Pursuit.
If you Picketts didn't live so far away, I would say there's a game night coming on!
This reminds me of Dave and I because there are so many reminders that we were meant for each other. Like when watching Jeopardy and completing each other's thoughts or other cute times that I can't remember cuz my head is fuzzy.
I like your blog alot :)
Oh! Also, one time Dave and I played scrabble and I was beating him and then had an awesome word: Zombies!!! Haha that was fun.
lol I remember when you beat the babysitter.
I'm not sure if defeating me in scrabble should be listed here as an accomplishment though. I think Noah may already have a more advanced vocabulary than uncle Michael.
I think I always won Monopoly Junior when we played...
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