Monday, May 03, 2010

My purse has become a dumpster

When I was first married, Brandon would always try to push me to get a bigger purse.  Smart guy, huh?  Make me a mom before I'm a mom and carry around his stuff.  Well, I refused because I knew one day I would own and make full use of a mom bag. Now, in all it's glory, those days are here.  As I am sitting here, I am clearing out my large bag o' stuff and it disgusts me that I let it get this bad.  Oh sure, I've got the normal mom stuff- diapers, wipes, baby sunglasses...but how about a week-old, half-eaten Eat n' Park smiley cookie?  Huh, you got one of those in your bag?  Good, you shouldn't.  They're gross even when they're fresh, but my husband and son love them.  Thus, they are placed in my bag never to see the light of day again until Noah takes a nap and I get unusually motivated. 

What else?  Month old Babies r' Us Coupons, groceries lists that I made that I can never find when I'm actually at the store, varieties of sock colors and styles, and yellow highlighters, bet even the most girl scout-like mom doesn't even come close to my preparedness in case of a highlighter emergency.  Oh, just found a binkie.  Does Noah use a binkie?  No.  Has Noah used a binkie in 14 months?  No.  But I am just that fantabulous of a mom that if my baby demands it, I'll have it (I just won't be able to find it for him). 

Well, that's all for now for this round of, "What's in mom's ridiculously huge mom bag o' stuff?"  I'll be playing again next month.  Whoever guesses the most bizarre thing found this next time around gets a prize :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

I can relate. Back in my music-student days, it was my gig-bag that collected all kinds of relevant and irrelevant junk. Very soon, I'm sure my diaper bag or mom bag will tempt me to continue in the habit. Maybe it runs in the family a bit: my mom recently used a non-expiring free-food coupon that she had carried around since I had received it at a concert I high school.