So, before I begin, I want to make clear that I do not actually think 45 is an old age. 45 just happens to be older than I am now and much, much older than people perceive me to be. Don't worry,
Barbara, I think you are very hip and I want to hang out with you more than most of my twenty-something friends (or is that just another reason why I'm actually 45...?).
Ok, so we have established that
I am mini-van driving, Aldi-fanatical, date-ruining matriarch. But, there's plenty more where that came from. So, why not divulge further frothy information on my very own blog so everyone can laugh with (at) me?

So I have to admit, I hate Lady Gaga. I hate Lady Gaga and I hate all her newfangled friends. I don't have anything against her personally, I just hate her music, and her style, and her ridiculously bizarre performances. In fact, I pretty much hate anything now that is Top 40, and this isn't just coming from my
oh, I have a masters degree in opera so unless it's classical, it sucks-ego. I just truly don't understand what is going on with you young bucks and music these days. The first time I saw Lady Gaga perform on TV, I literally thought I had turned to a prime-time special Saturday Night Live sketch. I kept saying aloud to Brandon, "this has got to be a joke; this has got to be a joke." Nope, no joke...
Similarly, curse words make me uncomfortable.
Yes, I realize the phrase "curse word" is antiquated. Whenever an acquaintance swears mid-conversation I blush and laugh inappropriately. Whenever a close friend or family member (ahem...Brandon) curses, I just plain out rebuke them. To clarify, it's fine for me to hold a double-standard and swear
if it is in a meaningful and sincere way, but not for anyone else
(sarcasm). But really, if you have a potty mouth, can you spare me? I'm old and I can't handle vulgarity.
Lastly, and similarly vulgar, I like granny-panties. You ladies with your perma-wedgies, go right ahead. But for me I'm going to cover up the mommy belly and stay away from drafts. I think that's all I can say about that without completely grossing out my male (and female) readership. Anybody with me on this?
I have always chastised Greg for swearing. I don't swear, and I don't like to hear it. I grew up hearing my parents swear all the time, and it was just so crass. Now, I chastise everyone who swears in front of Lily. That is just a complete no-no, I don't care who does it.
I also wear panties with a good bit of coverage. I wouldn't call them granny-panties, but their somewhere between traditional "bikini briefs" and boy shorts. Completely covers the bottom. I have no interest in a perma-wedgie.
I've felt out of the loop as far as new music for a few years now. I don't really follow the new groups or people, and usually when I do finally hear their stuff, I don't even like it. I'll stick with what I know I like.
What was the actual Greek translation that Paul uses for the word "dung?" :) Anyway, I can't stand Lady Gaga, either. I think her image is stupid, and there's nothing "deep" or "mysterious" about it. Nick says it kind of reminds him of when he had highlighted, spiked hair with earrings and tried to appear so "otherly" in order for other people to think that he was so beyond them. Hilarious.
If you're 45, then I'm 50. Who is Lady Gaga? Because I've never seen/heard her. Like... is she some hip-cool newfangled singer?
And about Aldi's...I'm in love with them too. Fresh mozzarella for, like, 2.50? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! I'll take 4. OH, and they have "Priano"-brand stuff, so we go pretty nutso about that.
And curse words make me cringe. I'm with you on that too. And I'm too old and prudish to tell anyone about my underthings, but I do like to pull my pants up high now to hide my post-preggo belly...although now I don't have much hope for doing that either, since my belly is expanding again. So I just wear 5 shirts to try to cover everything up. I hate drafts.
So yea, love being old with you :-P I'll tell you sometime the story about when Kathleen misheard me when I told her "I'm 40" and she thought I was saying something else...hahahahaha.
Ok, after reading this I have come to the conclusion that... we MUST become friends.
I despise Lady Gaga and am scoffed at when I say so. She disgusts me with her "awesome style" and "awesome music" and "awesome performances." She is.. awe-some-piece-of-crud. This is completely not Christ-like of me to say and I know I suck.
As for cussing, AGREED! It makes me dislike the cusser tenfold when they choose to sink so low!
I call some of my underwear granny panties even though they aren't actually the long underwear. I feel so secure covering my body!
I think I'm falling in love with you, HEHE! Happy birthday!!
Hey Lauren nice blog...very enriching thanks for the wonderful info in it...I am probably the opposite of you. I am a 57 year old woman and look it but have a 24 year old inside of me...have fun and give Noah a hug for Aunt Agnes and family
So from one of your truly 45 year old friends--I'm with you on all accounts!!!
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