Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I may look like I'm 15, but inside I'm actually 45- Part Uno

Previously, I revealed to you that many if not all people think that I look very young for my age.  So, I guess that wasn't much of a revelation.  However, what you may not know is that even though I am almost 28 years old, I am really much more like a 45 year old.
For one, I drive a minivan.  Not only do I drive a minivan, but I love that I drive a minivan.  To be fair, Toyota does make reference to it as a "swagger wagon" (really funny music video link). I love that I have more cup holders than I will ever need.  I love that I can lug around a stroller and a week's worth of groceries.  I could keep going, but I'll spare you as I'm sure you are getting nauseous with my love affair.
Another reason I am really 45 is that I have a super-fanatical obsession with Aldi.  I do the majority of my shopping there and if they sold everything I needed, I would do all of my shopping there.  Top three reasons I heart Aldi: 1. The price of groceries 2. The price of groceries 3. The price of groceries.  No, but seriously, for all of my Bloomington readers, Pittsburgh=more expensive groceries.  Yes, everyone always talks about how cheap it is to live in Pittsburgh, and I grant you it is certainly not Philly or San Francisco, but compared to Bloomington, Pittsburgh is expensive.  Aldi allows me to buy more upscale items that I would not even dream of purchasing in the regular grocery stores, and Aldi also allows me to stretch my food budget on those common items.  Plus, except for a few items, I actually prefer Aldi's brands to most.  I don't like Aldi bagels or goldfish (although Noah likes their goldfish), but other than that I can't complain.  I should also mention that the average age of the customers I see in the store is 65.  I think it might have to do with the whole "fixed income" situation.  
I am also an "old lady" because my idea of a fun date night consists of taking a walk at North Park, eating a meal at Eat n' Park, and watching a G or at the most a PG movie at home on our circa-1980's 20 inch RCA TV.  Told you I was hip.  For all you non-Pittsburghers, Eat n' Park can be compared to Steak n' Shake on crack.  They don't serve booze (to Brandon's chagrin), and kids can eat at the salad bar for free.  Oh, I guess I didn't mention my idea of a date includes taking our son with us.
So those are just a few reasons why I have mental-osteoporosis.  What ways do you act too old or too young for your age?  


finsama said...

I've never shopped at Aldi, but now I want to! I'm all for saving money.

I also enjoy Eat 'n Park, and my idea of a night out must involve Lily. Children make life more fun. More work, but so much more fun :-)

I've always felt older than my peers. In college, I was the one that worked full-time and spent all my free time with my fiance. Meanwhile, my classmates didn't work at all, and spent all their free time drinking. They didn't have boyfriends, let alone a fiance (actually, I had one friend who was married, but she's in Missouri now, and I sorely miss her. She was older for her age, too).

I've always been more of a homebody than others, so in that sense I've always felt old before my time.

I have actual osteoporosis, too, but that's a story for another time. Perhaps I'll write about it on my blog. It's a pretty crazy story, and involves what I would consider a miracle :-D

Anonymous said...

45 isn't old.

Christine Waller said...

Lauren! What a fun writer you are! I really enjoy your posts and that you pose a question at the end for consideration. Very, very nice. I'd love to have feedback from a fellow writer sometime if you ever get a chance to visit http://christinewaller.blogspot.com. Keep up with the stories! XOXO Christine Waller (PS - Great to run into you in the Cultural District a while back!)

Aubrey Kinnaman said...

This made me laugh out loud. I totally hear you. 27 year old in a 40 year olds body. Claire just turned 2 and Kyle and I went on our first real "date" since before she was born where we left her with my parents for our 5 year anniversary two weeks ago. I guess we are weird but things are more fun when we do them with her!