Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Losing the Baby Weight

Throughout my pregnancy with Noah I gained about 30 lbs. I looked like this at the end (literally days before Noah's birth):
Just a note: Yes, I did plead with my doctor to induce me, since I could tell Noah was sooooo big and I didn't believe I could deliver him naturally. So much for listening to the patient, right?

Since Noah was 9lbs. 6oz. and my placenta was apparently massive, I lost nearly 15lbs. in the first two weeks post-delivery. Over the past 6 months, I have lost another 10 lbs., but am struggling to get that last 5 off. Of course, on top of that, I really would like to lose about another 30 lbs. (I know, I'm crazy) so that if the Lord should bless us with another baby, I would not get too overweight during the pregnancy. I feel like losing another 30 lbs. would be a good goal for me and my overall health.

The last month, my husband and I have really picked up our exercise routine. I had a c-section, and was forced to be inside the first 2 &1/2 months of Noah's life, so I am finally just now feeling slightly human again. My husband and I have been taking brisk walks at Hartwood Acres with Noah in the stroller once a day for about an hour and then in the evening we walk around our neighborhood and I jog for part of the time, too (another 20 minutes or so of exercise).

Beyond long walks & jogging, what exercises did you, dear readers, do after your c-sections to get rid of the extra baby fat? My tummy is definitely still the problem area, but feel uncomfortable about doing crunches as of yet. But I would appreciate any advice, so I can go back to looking like this:


Heidi said...

Lauren, I can't speak from C section experience, but I read that just drawing deep breaths while holding the stomach in four or five times throughout the day can help (and it doesn't require a lot of energy or a huge amount of time etc :-)

Lauren said...

Thanks, Heidi! That's a good idea.