Hello all of you who are still out there,
Noah had his 6th month appointment today. He is now 19 lbs. 10 oz. and 27 & 7/8 inches long and his head circumference is 44.8 centimeters. I have never mentioned his head circumference before because he was always pretty average in that category. But, this time he is up to the 73%!!! Noah's brains are growing :) Noah is slowing down a bit in the weight category (79%), but he is still in the 87 percentile for his height. He must take after his Uncle Michael for his size.
The doctor said that Noah is far advanced in his development. He is sitting up, he can put himself into a sitting position from the floor. He is basically crawling as he can get up on all fours and move forward. He just does more of a nose dive than a sustained crawl right now.
Noah's favorite consonant is B. He says "bababababa" all day long. He also will now fall asleep on Mommy and Daddy when before we had to rock him to go to bed. Our arms and backs are thankful for this new development.
Noah has also started eating baby cereal, peas, and carrots. We tried to give him some green beans, but he thought those were pretty disgusting! Must take after dad for that one because Mama loves her green beans.
Noah still has a clogged tear duct, which means he will most likely have to have a procedure done at a year old to clear it out. We have to go see a specialist in a couple of months to make sure that is what is to be done. Mommy and Daddy still would like to see the clogged tear duct be resolved on its own, but have faith that God's will is always the best.
Well, I will be posting pictures of our big boy soon. Thank you for all your prayers for our son. He is strong now because he was weak.
So happy for this news Lauren! We continue to think of you all often.
Thanks Heidi, we miss you guys. I hope you are well. Do you still have a blog?
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