Sorry for the long hiatus from blogger, friends. I can't say that I am going to be any more consistent, but wouldn't it be lovely to believe that could be? Well, while I was off discovering Catholicism, the Steelers went and lost. As you can see, Brandon and I were disappointed. But, I am excited for all of my friends who are Colts fans. Seeing your team make it to the Superbowl is really exciting, trust me, I know.
More updates include: I have finished a whole semester of grad school. I worked and quit a new job. I ate many dinners...very exciting stuff as you can see.
So now on to what you all have been waiting for; what has God been teaching me as of late?
That I am even more sinful and ever more capable of sin than I ever thought possible. That I am susceptible to falling to any temptation that is pointed in my direction, and without the Holy Spirit leading me to the road of chastity (in the larger sense of the word), I will fall. Even if I give in to a moment of thinking about something I ought naught to, even saying one word of ill-contempt, can very, very easily lead me to a place I never meant to end up at- a place that bears irreversible consequences. By God's grace alone do I stand in a place of joy and contentment at this very moment. But every inch of my body, heart, and mind wickedly rebel almost every moment of the day against Our Living God. Even my dreams at night betray me.
What I ought to do is cling to the Word of God. What I ought to do is pray. What I ought to do is be perfect as My Heavenly Father is perfect.
What I do instead is play computer solitaire. What I do instead is cry to my husband. What I do instead is sin more abundantly. What I do instead is lose hope in myself.
And there is where Christ is: where I give up on myself and realize He was there all along wanting me to cling to Him rather than myself. Every time that Satan thinks he is winning me over, God does a little victory dance.
One of the lies Satan has wanted me to believe for the last several months is that when I fail, God hates me. That I am surely condemned this time because God has forgiven me over and over and over for the same ugly sins, so certainly there is no way God could possibly love me any longer...more like, there is no way that I actually love God any longer.
But as Joseph Bayly reminded me in his sermon: I have peace from the wrath of God through Jesus Christ. True peace. When I rest in that thought, my heart is right again and God dances.
Hoping to one day dance alongside God in heaven,
Mrs. Pickett
Wow! Amen and wow!
And won't that be an awesome day when we will worship Him forever and there will be no need of a sun for his presence will light heaven...
Revelation 21:22-24
22I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.
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