Monday, May 08, 2006

Random thoughts from the weekend

Friday evening was one of the most fun nights I've had this whole year. Nick and Rebecca stayed with us and the Tragers were over as well. We stayed up until 2:30 am (that is late for an old geez' like me) just talking and laughing. I love Nick and Rebecca so much (I love Rebecca more). I actually cried more during their wedding than my own. I miss them so much, but I am glad they are happier in Nashville. Nick almost nearly kinda sorta had a double-chin thing going on. Yea, you go Rebecca! Feed that man! He'll need the extra beef to intimidate others in the court room.

Rebecca looked so beautiful with little Thomas in her womb. She has always been beautiful, but the glow of motherhood has already started to settle in. Michelle Holmes has that look too- always was beautiful, but now motherhood has made her radiant. Isn't that weird??? Jenn Moxey, as if she couldn't be more beautiful, is sooooooooooooo adorable with her little (big) pooch of a womb. The list could just keep going and going really.

What is it about motherhood that makes women so beautiful? Is it because they laugh a lot more at the cute little things their kids do?

You know who is going to be a beautiful mom? Me! No, actually, I am really excited to see Vanessa with child. She is going to be such a thoughtful mom. I was really sad that I had to miss out on their wedding. When I woke up Saturday morning after my fun night with friends on Friday, I felt nauseous. By 10:30 am, I had a fever and knew that I was going to miss out on all the weekend festivities. My Brandon bear took care of me though.

I look forward to the time, if God wills, when Brandon and I have a child. Then maybe I'll know why everyone looks so dazzling.


BLP said...

My wife is going to look extra hot when she has kids.

Heidi said...

It's because you lose the usage of a certain percent of your brain when you are pregnant. You have to make up for that in looks :-).

Physically hormones (very good for most people's skin and nails) probably have something to do with it. But I think that pregnant women just look right, with life inside them.

I am praying that God will give you the desires of your heart as you delight in Him.

Rachel Pierson said...

Dear Lauren,

Sorry to hear you're not well. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Delight not only in the desire of motherhood that He gives you, woman, but also look with delight at that which He is perfecting in you while you wait.

God to know that you're in good hands in sickness and in health with Brandon.

Rachel Pierson

Rachel Pierson said...

*Good to know...

(error in spelling, a typo...not vanity)



operatenor1978 said...

For me, the beauty was a little bit due to the fact that my wife and I were daring to start a new life and then form it. It's akin to the repect and admiration you have for the people in your foxhole. I marvel at someone who can litteraly build life, too.